Or sections based on domains of URsL (great contribution from is a fork of the original 2011 Calibre ReadItLater plugin. Now, you get Untagged and The Sections created based on you Pocket tags: or, alternatively, your articles organized by the first level domain of the URL.

the Untagged (more or less as the original version of the plugin).This is a fork of the original plugin and a merge of a fix by modified the plugin to get an e-book including: If you have no idea where to start, take a look here this is an explantion how to use Calibre to send news to your Kindle. Calibre has a plugin management system and. Kindle, that's how I got the screenshots below) Source. The programs also allows users to create own e-books and syncing with a variaty of e-book readers (e.g. Pocket removes clutter from articles and allows the user to adjust text settings for easier reading Source.Ĭalibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. The article is then sent to the user's Pocket list (synced to all of their devices) for offline reading. The application allows the user to save an article or web page to the cloud for later reading. Pocket, previously known as Read It Later, is an application and service for managing a reading list of articles from the Internet.

There is also experimental version of this plugin: You can schedule this process and every day get the freshest e-book with your Pocket-ed articles! For a long time I was using files in all kinds of directories, but I grew tired of the fact that when I look for a book I have to look in many places.This plugin allows users to get their Pocket-ed articles with Calibre and send them as an e-book to their prefered e-book reader. PocketBook devices do support directories, Favourites virtual folder, but to prepare content to load up into those directories I use Calibre. automatically gather news from hundred of sources and format them for your device (using so-called recipes). automatically download covers for books from the net export books to directories of great complexity using Regular expressions to parse book metadata, convert from almost any format to almost any format known to a man, I am one of the hardcore PocketBook users and I never heard that PocketBook supplies an application for PC that will let you: Calibre, which I see that some of you also use?

From reading this forum i understand taht Pocketbook has a pretty good software to manage librearies - so what is the use of additional software like e.g. Please forgive me if this is a silly question, but I really am very green on these issues.